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Scenario 2

You are a History teacher, doing revision of Weimar Germany with Y11. 


Michael, a rather cheeky and unusual young man, who you are fond of, has written a response to a homework question that is clearly incorrect and anachronistic. He seems unusually upset by this.


When you ask him why, he explains that it can't be wrong as he 'asked Hitler' last night.

How should you respond?

As you know, there are websites which have used historical materials to create AIs who can emulate their source figure.


This is the first time, however, that you have come across someone engaging with a Nazi historical figure.


Michael's point is that his answer, although unconventional perhaps in history terms, is more likely to be correct. The AI has scraped all available material on Hitler - all the records of speeches, biographies, etc. - and therefore its interpretation of Hitler is going to be more accurate than yours. 


How do you respond? Do you question the academic element of this, pointing out that AIs can't do inference nor understand inner motivation? Or do you focus on the pastoral element, in that this is a student who has sought out a Hitler bot for a chat?


What do you know of the provenance of this AI? Who is behind it?

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